Hacker attacks on WordPress blogs can be prevented

Okay, so “to hell” is with hackers. We’d rather continue to discuss how blogs can be protected from hacking attempts.

We have discussed the topic of choosing templates with you. Now let’s discuss how to protect an already existing blog.

First, create a unique password and login for the blog administrator. This will ensure that your password and login to the admin area of? are unique. The password and login for the admin area of?the blog should never be used elsewhere, they should not have any trace on your computer or on the Internet. This password should not be saved in your browser. In case you forget your password, write it down on paper. However, do not save it on your computer. If there are only enemies, you can take the sheet to the bank for safekeeping.

To protect your site, install special plugins and only download them from official sources. Regular backups of your site database are recommended. Austin Matsko has a great WordPress Database backup plugin.

Ivan Dorodnov’s blog explains in detail how to protect blogs. Anyone who needs to know how to prevent hacking of blogs is recommended to read this blog.

Now that we have protected our websites and blogs, it is time to start promoting them and submitting requests. Site promotion requires knowledge of SEO and SMO technologies. You should decide whether you want to learn this knowledge through my blog or by contacting others who do.

Let me conclude by saying that there were many interesting developments in SEO and the surrounding area. SEO news is a great source of information for anyone who follows it.

Google Penguin

YandexDisc works well and there were even updates yesterday.

Yandex issued a Bank Card

Sensation! The top secret to SEO! …

Anastasia Margolis, SeoNews: Mini-review of the news

+ In the same spot, Bing, owned by Microsoft, took 30% of American searches (I already wrote that Bill recently invested a lot in this search engine. Here are the first fruits).

+ There is also a interview with Sadovskiy, Yandex, and Lyudkevich (RBS), to the Internet In Figures magazine entitled “On Black and white Search and Optimizers “…

Blog readers are privy to a secret: WebEffector, a service for automatic website promotion, plans to hold a competition starting on the 20-30th of November.

I seem to remember everything. I left the points of the “Team of Computers”, and I will then go to Webeffector to do reconnaissance. I wonder what they were up too.