DIY Computer Repairs

DIY Computer Repairs are of course possible for anyone who has sufficient technical knowledge, but before you do it yourself, there are some things you need to consider.

Back up your data: This should be a given for anyone who is going to attempt DIY computer repairs. At the very least, you should have a second internal drive, but at best you should have an extra external drive.

Make sure you can access your backup: Most automatic backup software will check the backup to make sure it’s not been corrupted during the backup process. If you haven’t checked it, you can’t be 100% sure it will work when you most need it. There’s nothing worse than having a backup that you can’t access when you need it most.

Be proficient: Do it Yourself computer repairs pre-suppose a certain level of proficiency to actually complete the task. Armed with information from the Internet, many repairers have got to the end of their instructions only to find that the problem hasn’t been fixed. What next? It’s not sufficient to be proficient in a single task, if you are going to undertake DIY computer repairs you need to be proficient enough to cope with the unexpected.

Take precautions: DIY computer repairs need to be undertaken with due regard to static electricity. When professional repairers or technicians like Laptop Repairs Carindale take the side off a computer, they will usually be wearing an anti-static wrist-band or will have taken some other measure to earth the static electricity from their body to prevent ‘blowing’ the sensitive parts. If they take those parts out of the computer, they will place them, or even the whole computer, on an anti-static mat, and in many companies, it’s a disciplinary offense for a repairer to work without a wrist-band or mat.

DIY Computer Repairs Are Not Always Straightforward

If you are doing DIY Computer Repairs can you afford to take the chance?

Can you make a backup of all your valuable files?

If you’ve got a backup, are you sure you can access it if your computer fails to work?

Do you know how to do the repair?

Do you know all the things that may go wrong>

Do you know what to do if something goes wrong – without making things worse?

Do you know how to ground yourself and your computer?

Do you have an anti-static wrist strap?

Do you have an anti-static mat?

If you can answer ‘Yes’ to all the above, then you probably have the ability to attempt your own basic repairs.

Otherwise. DIY computer repairs are best avoided, and you would probably be best advised to call in a professional repairer from the beginning.

Finally, as everyone who has ever attempted DIY computer repairs will testify, sometimes doing it yourself can sometimes make things far worse than they were before they started.

Lost and irretrievable files. Lost photographs. Unrepairable hard-drives.

Sometimes, DIY computer repairs make a ‘drama’ out of a ‘crisis’.

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